Monday, November 21, 2011

Quick Release At It's Best

Matt Duchene scores a great goal against San Jose releasing the puck quickly.  

Here is the breakdown

A. Low to High- As Duchene feels the pressure down low, he moves the puck up to the point.  This pass is on Wilson's forehand where it is easy to handle.

B. Create Space- As Wilson receives this pass, he attacks the open ice in front of him.   There is a breakdown in coverage in the defensive zone that allows the weak side D to step in. When a breakdown like this happens someone must help out. Now as players are reacting to the breakdown a backside seam opens up as Duchene pops out into open ice.

C. On Stick- Off Stick- The seam pass across the ice is hard and on the forehand, in a spot where Duchene can handle the puck.  He stops the puck and gets it into a shooting position, without stick-handling the puck it is being delivered to the net.  This quick release does not allow for the goalie to get across the net.  A great shot by a very talented player.

Come work on your scoring ability and quick release shooting at the net as this Skill is part of The RINK's Performance Program Curriculum.

Helping YOU Take YOUR game to the next level, See you at The RINK!
Coach Cameron